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FSFE Legal Education Day (LED)

Date: Friday, 11 November 2022, from 14:00 to 17:45 CET

Venue: Hybrid mode: SFScon 2022, NOI Tech Park, Bolzano, Italy and online

Agenda: See the complete agenda here

This year's Legal Education Day will be held as part of the South Tyrol Free Software Conference (SFSCon). The Legal Education Day track at the SFSCon will feature talks on legal topics relating to Free Software, as well as a workshop to facilitate a better understanding of these legal frameworks and compliances. The talks will explain basic legal concepts such as licenses, copyright law, and its practical application into your projects with the FSFE's REUSE initiative, as well as other legal topics important for developers and the Free Software community in general. You can find out more by taking a look at the SFSCon agenda.

Free Software grants users and developers the essential freedoms to construct a healthy and open digital ecosystem. To preserve and guarantee the continued enjoyment of those freedoms, it is important to understand and comply with the legal framework which safeguards our software projects from potential legal threats and also makes sure they reach their full potential.

Understanding the legal matters and complying with legal obligations can become a burden sometimes. That is the reason why we are happy to be organizing this second Legal Education Day (LED). We aim to spread basic legal education on the legal context of Free Software, so that licensing your project, understanding copyright, and meeting legal obligations in your software project will be less of a daunting task!

This event is open for all to attend free of charge.