Contribute and be proud of defending Software Freedom from monopolist control! We are intervening in the Apple vs. EC case: Find out more.

Bu sayfa henüz çevrilmedi. Bu sayfayı ve'daki diğer sayfaları çevirmemize lütfen yardımcı olun, böylece insanlar mesajımızı kendi anadillerinde okuyabilirler.

FSFE - Income and Expense 2009

Income EUR
Donations1 107,539.55
Fellowship contributions 76,014,91
EU project funding2 7,352.97
Merchandise 10,148.28
Interest 484.19
Total 201,539.90
Expenses EUR
Basic infrastructure costs3 56,189.68
Public Awareness4 68,625.74
Fellowship 26,766.12
Freedom Task Force 66,404.85
Policy work5 32,457.96
STACS project 3,251.95
Merchandise 10,482.50
Total 264,178.80


  1. A list of all FSFE donors that did not wish anonymity is available on the ThankGNUs list.
  2. For FSFE's work on the STACS project.
  3. Includes office rent, shipping, telephone, office supplies, office personnel, technical infrastructure, and fees from tax consultant and lawyer.
  4. All activities of FSFE that create and foster public awareness about Free Software. This includes booths at fairs and other public events, public speeches, and information material.
  5. FSFE's work in UN organisations (WIPO and IGF), EU level (Software Patents and IPRED2), and in the support of Open Standards.